Ever since I made the decision to become a Dietitian, I always knew my goal would be to impact the lives of those with eating disorders. I, myself, struggled with atypical anorexia in middle school, and am lucky to say I've been recovered for 15+ years. However, since working at an eating disorder clinic since March of 2017 - and now in the residential setting - one thing has become quite clear: there is MUCH to be done for the education (especially for RD's) working in the mental health field. I was recently consulting with a colleague, and we both agreed that neither of us obtained what we'd consider sufficient mental health background prior to making our mark as ED dietitians. I mean, the terms "coping skills," "trauma" & "de-escalation techniques" are like second nature to me now, but these were for sure never covered in my Medical Nutrition Therapy courses! Whether you are a Dietitian working with eating disorders or not, I thi...