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Showing posts from February, 2021

The Complexities of Body Image

I talk a lot about how much I enjoy leading my weekly body image group at work, so today I thought would be the perfect time to take a deeper dive into this specific terminology. In general, "body image" can be defined as "A picture someone has in their mind about their size/shape, et. al., and the attitudes that they form towards themselves."  Because of this, there are actually three components of body image I like to explain more in-depth with clients. 1. the Perceptual part: how someone sees their body 2. the Attitudinal part: how someone feels about how they look 3. the Behavioral part: how these perceptions and attitudes influence someone's behavior(s). In essence, how we see ourselves can have a major impact on our thoughts, feelings, and ultimately actions towards our whole self (body, mind & spirit). What's also interesting is that I have found in my counseling sessions most people assume this topic is only fixated on surface level body image...