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Showing posts from January, 2020

2020 Intentions

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!   We are already 3 days into 2020...and I don't know about you, but I love the idea of a new year representing a new start; a new beginning to an entire 12-month calendar ahead of us.   And I'm not just talking about traditional 'resolutions' here.  It's safe to say I'm not a fan of most of the public's reported New Years' resolutions, because a majority of them are infused with diet culture and the belief that we're not already good enough.   Newsflash:  we are ALREADY, INHERENTLY, GOOD ENOUGH.     The New Year does NOT have to include a "new you."  While some may resonate with that lingo, for me I'd rather focus on continuing to learn, grow, and bringing out my best self (which is always present internally - I just have to work to bring those qualities and traits into my main focus)!       Growing up, I don'...