The last time I taught a structured yoga class was back in March. Some of you may remember I was simultaneously attempting to write a blog series following the 7 chakras, (which would also mirror my classes' themes). But of course, LIFE. HAPPENS. Moving to Minnesota and starting a new chapter of life basically halted that idea for a few months...but now I'd like to revisit and finish what I originally started. I've already summarized the first two Chakras (Root & Sacral) earlier this spring - so following suit in order, our next (& 3rd) chakra in the series is the Solar Plexus.
Manipura, our Solar Plexus Chakra, is located near our belly button, right at the center of our bodies. It not only symbolizes our strength and power, but also our drives, desires, and self-esteem...the 'fire inside us'! Just like the sun, this chakra is represented by the color yellow; its element (no surprise) is fire.
"I stand in my own personal power."
At the beginning of this particular themed yoga class, I had students reflect on a time they really, REALLY wanted something or were yearning towards - maybe a promotion, recognition, or even short term hopes for that day or week. It truly could be anything! As we flowed 'breath to movement' I continued to bring up this topic to remind them of their personal intention.
Near the end of class I cued students into Triangle Pose. As I did so I asked the yogis to lean into uncertainty (see what I did there!?) :) If you're reading this post, what is something you've wanted to do but are scared to take the first step? Personally, I'm one of the biggest culprits of "playing it safe" so this message was needed just as much for the teacher as it was my students. At that point in time, I had just accepted a new job offer and was really getting out of my comfort zone planning to move out of state. So many (great!) changes would be occurring, and all because I had taken a chance on my dreams. Just as I relayed to my students, sometimes it's better to NOT play it safe, because you may be surprised by the outcome!
"You are stronger than you know."
The solar plexus also connects us to our Ego. While often times we associate the word "ego" negatively, in regards to Manipura, our ego represents our Identity.
Who am I?
Where do I want to go in this life?
What do I desire?
Assertiveness, like ego, is also a term often misinterpreted. To me, being assertive can equate to words like "bossy" or "demanding;" when in reality, it mostly reflects a person's confidence. One of my favorite quotes from poet Henry David Thoreau reads "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you imagined." Reading those two short sentences helps remind me that we are all unique & individual beings, who all have a unique and individual PURPOSE on this earth. If our fire chakra is out of balance, it can threaten our self confidence, result in depression or confusion. But when balanced, our center can bring us harmony, protection, & being comfortable with oneself and with others.
If only one objective can be learned from this post, I want it to be this: We deserve to feel comfortable with ourselves, our decisions; and we most definitely DESERVE the happiness we work for.
YOGA POSES: We use our abdominal muscles in almost EVERY day-to-day action (walking, standing up, even sitting)! Your center is also activated in almost every yoga asana (posture), but the main poses that stick out to me are: Twists (of any kind), Bow pose, Chair (also called "fierce" pose), Boat, and Bridge pose.
No matter where you are in the journey towards what you deserve, remember the following affirmations to still be okay with the present:
I do enough.
I am more than enough.
I accept myself & stand confidently in my power.
I respect differences and express my identity.
I am in harmony with all that I see.
I live with integrity.
I. DO.
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