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Showing posts from January, 2018

My Weekend in Review

Last week I had a lot going on at work - not only did I have all my weekly clients and meetings, but I was also facilitating a dietetic intern through the University of Minnesota.  While I love being a preceptor (so weird to think just 6 years ago I was an intern myself)! I was definitely in need of a relaxing weekend.    First up was a much needed girls' night with my college friend Haley!  After work on Friday we met up and decided to try out a brewery nearby.  The pictures online looked cool, and even though the outside of the building was decorated....   ...The condemnation notice below is what we found at the door.  Safe to say, we had a good laugh about it, and chose a different (and safer) hangout for the night.  After our first brewery debacle, Haley decided on a bar she had visited before called  Lucky's Pub . The one we checked out was in Mendota Heights, but they h...


Remember as a kid wishing you were older so you could do all the "cool" stuff big kids get to do??  Well come to find out, fast forward your life and BAM! ... you're an adult now...and it's just as fun as they promised it'd be, right?!  ;)  Ha....   Come to think of it, there are a few things about #adulting that aren't the greatest.  Like paying rent, bills, utilities, groceries, daycare....really anything that results in money  exiting my bank account is considered a negative to me.  I mean, I'm in the process of trying to be a self-sufficient twenty-something, who wants to be smart with her money and save as much as she can, yet the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle never seems to end (and I PROMISE you all, we are not extravagant spenders)!  We are slowly paying off the debt we can, while living within our means...and paying a ridiculous amount in childcare, but that's another story...   Aside from pinching pennies, there are a...

Gratitude, Take 1

I've never been one for New Years' resolutions, but I wanted to set a goal this year to not only find the joy & positivity in my life, but to be thankful for even the small things that sometimes get overlooked....hence, GRATITUDE. A client of mine recently gave myself and the rest of her treatment team a bag of goodies that included a Gratitude's like she read my mind, as this item was actually on my "Wish-List" to purchase after my "Need-Now-List" was completed (using Christmas $ of course) ;-)  While I know I could have started journaling right then and there, Monday, January 1st just seemed too perfect of a beginning entry - so I decided to wait. The concept of a year-long gratitude journal intrigues me, because it gives me 365 opportunities to address why I'm thankful for even the peculiar or distinct things in life.  My goal is to jot down just one gratitude every single day, because I'm interested to see how I can em...