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Showing posts from September, 2018

A Letter To My Body

A letter to my body... Once a week, myself and an EDT (Eating Disorder Tech) lead a Body Image group for our residents.  We've covered a broad range of topics, including Health At Every Size (HAES), positive body resources, documentaries, yoga, and so much more.  This past week, my co-facilitator led a lesson on writing a letter to our body, and processing that experience.  I myself have done this exercise numerous times throughout my life, and each time it has allowed me to learn something new.  This week was no different, so I participated in the activity right alongside my clients.  Since this blog allows me to be creative and express myself fully, I figured what better place to present my own vulnerability than right here: Dear Body, Thank you for being the vessel to my soul.  I know I haven't always treated you fairly, or even with kindness...but your amazing-ness does not go unnoticed.  I am able to breathe without thinki...

Sickness Self-Care

This post seemed extremely fitting, as I'm currently cooped up with what I like to call 'the-change-of-weather-viral- yuck."  You know, the typical   sneezing, stuffy, coughing, sore throat...and in typical Abbie fashion, no-voice sickness.  From what I'm hearing this strain of cold going around right now is downright awful, lasting up to weeks to run its course.  So yay me! :( I figured I'd put some of my current downtime to good use, providing my two-cents on self-care during sickness.  Wash your hands This should be a no-brainer.  It's the #1 way to take personal accountability to prevent getting sick, or spreading whatever you're infected with.  I get super OCD when I'm ill, probably over-washing/disinfecting.  I figure I'd rather be safe than until someone tells me I'm killing whatever good bacteria is left on my skin, I'll keep this habit up. Sleep/Rest I need to take some of my own advice and  relax  more ...


In yoga, meditation, and Ayurvedic health, the 7 Chakras (or energy centers) in our body run from the base of the spine to the crown, or top, of the head.  It's been over a year since I first set a goal to write individual blogs posts introducing each one - so far I've covered: 1.  Muladara   "The Root" located at the base of the spine/tailbone;  2. Swadisthana "Sacral" near the pelvis/lower belly; 3. Manipura "Solar Plexus" near naval/ribs, and 4. Anahata "Heart" location explanation needed. I encourage you to click the respective links above & read each previous post in order.  This will not only help you understand how they work together but also set a foundation before diving into the final three.  Next up is the 5th chakra, Vishuddha, also identified as the " Throat Chakra." This energy center is located near the neck, throat, ears, & mouth; and is represented by the color blue.  It serves a...