In yoga, meditation, and Ayurvedic health, the 7 Chakras (or energy centers) in our body run from the base of the spine to the crown, or top, of the head. It's been over a year since I first set a goal to write individual blogs posts introducing each one - so far I've covered:
1. Muladara "The Root" located at the base of the spine/tailbone;
2. Swadisthana "Sacral" near the pelvis/lower belly;
3. Manipura "Solar Plexus" near naval/ribs, and
4. Anahata "Heart" location explanation needed.
I encourage you to click the respective links above & read each previous post in order. This will not only help you understand how they work together but also set a foundation before diving into the final three.
I encourage you to click the respective links above & read each previous post in order. This will not only help you understand how they work together but also set a foundation before diving into the final three.
Next up is the 5th chakra, Vishuddha, also identified as the "Throat Chakra." This energy center is located near the neck, throat, ears, & mouth; and is represented by the color blue. It serves a purpose of self-expression & communication, both via verbal & listening skills; creativity is also linked here.
When I was teaching yoga, during a series of classes inspired by the 7 chakras, I began one class by asking a few questions for students to reflect on:
- Do you ever find difficulty...
- Communicating clearly, honestly & with compassion?
- Releasing fear of speaking up for self or others?
- Being a good listener?
- Learning not to over-talk or dominate conversations?
- Refraining from gossip?
If I were a student in this particular class, I'd probably answer a disheartened "Yep" to a few of the instructor's bullet points. I think it's safe to say most of us are in the same boat because we are all flawed human beings - but by bringing nonjudgmental awareness to our normal human imperfections, we can begin to align this area of life.
Another way to think about this energy body is asking "Am I being true to myself? Is the person I'm portraying really who I want to be?" It's no surprise that when Vishudda's out of balance, a person may have difficulty communicating or interacting with others. They may lack confidence & resist sharing ideas out of fear....OR on the opposite end of the spectrum, they may present themselves as attention seeking, overly confident & egocentric. (A sore throat could also be present - and I don't know about all of you, but I DEFINITELY find it frustrating when I'm sick and incapable of speaking)!
"I follow and speak my truth."
If at any time you answer 'No' to the above questions, a next step to align this chakra would be discovering who you truly are AND who you want to be. Here's a real world example: at my current job I get to lead a Body Image group for eating disorder clients - this week's topic was "Taking Up Space in Recovery;" and not just in the physical sense. A part of our discussion involved setting goals & exploring their purpose/passions in life. This conversation sparked excitement in a lot of my clients, and it was amazing hearing them share goals for not only their current recovery, but their future and everything in between. During group I shared an article posted from Recovery Warriors that read:
While this quote so obviously pertains to the ED community, it is also a good reminder for anyone else who's ever felt pressure to dim their light for the sake of others. Remember, following a path that exhilarates you - vs. conforming to society's standards - is how you begin the journey of finding your true authentic self. As my momma always said, (and what I strive for daily): "Dare to be Different!"
"We are just as valuable as the stranger sitting next to us on an airplane…
Simply because we are."
I loved being able to witness my clients' spirits just lifting up as they reflected on all the positives they had to look forward to in life. They also related to the statement:
"You have a purpose, whether you know what it is yet or not.
And your purpose is NOT to shrink."
While this quote so obviously pertains to the ED community, it is also a good reminder for anyone else who's ever felt pressure to dim their light for the sake of others. Remember, following a path that exhilarates you - vs. conforming to society's standards - is how you begin the journey of finding your true authentic self. As my momma always said, (and what I strive for daily): "Dare to be Different!"
"We all have something special to gift this world with. What is yours?"
"Only one thing is more frightening than speaking your truth... and that is NOT speaking it."
YOGA POSES: Asanas (poses) that open, stretch or strengthen the neck/shoulder/throat area are related to this chakra. A few examples are Shoulder stand, Halasana (Plow pose), Matsyasana (fish pose) & Setu Bhanda Sarvangasana (Bridge pose). Below you will also find a series of mantras to help realign:
I speak my thoughts clearly with grace and integrity.
I am aligned with my highest truth.
I communicate with love and honor.
I know the power of my words to create my own reality.
I express who I am.
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