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Showing posts from March, 2020

This is Your Brain on Meditation

The first time I ever tried meditation (in 2013),  I HATED IT! I was in my yoga teacher training, and could not wrap my head around why I (or anyone for that matter) would want to sit still with their own thoughts for any period of time.  During training, I couldn't even get through our pranayama (breath work) or meditation intensives without uncontrollably giggling, (which today makes me so embarrassed to admit).  But nevertheless, I got through this portion of yoga teacher training, and went on my merry way leading yoga classes in a number of different settings for about 2 1/2 years (with some breaks along the way due to pregnancy). When I moved to Minnesota in 2017 for my dream dietitian job, I was heartbroken to give up teaching yoga classes regularly in Iowa.  I felt I had finally found my community of like-minded people, and it took a lot of soul searching to give this up for the potential of something greater.  Since I've been in Minnesota, I ...